22 December 2013

Oh, look at Holly—spider!

Holly, Suckie's lamb for this year, was born back in March (a post about it here). Since then she's gotten very, very big.

She's a lot like her mum.

She's a very pretty little sheep indeed.

I'm not keeping her, sadly, because I'm trying to get out of Sukie's bloodline - the lambs are too small and stumpy and don't fatten well. So if all goes to plan Holly is Suckie's last lamb.

On the day I took these photos, spiders were everywhere.

The babies were floating through the air with their lines of thread. Many landed on me, on the camera - it was not fun at all.

It look a lot of spiders to make all those threads! The lambs weren't as bothered about the spiders flying right at them as I was.

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