20 August 2010

Working mums

Have gotta eat something.

We went to our usual collection point on Wednesday, and Rua was tucking into a delicious snack... of horse poop. Charming.

Working mums, have also gotta be mums.

The little brown and black kitten is called Oily, because he fell into some oil and few weeks ago. The gray one is a little lady cat and follows people everywhere - hence my abilty to take photos of her.

Now, I'm not a cat person, but that is one cute kitten!

And don't I know it?

This kitten lives with Blue, a dog.

Of course, Blue would like to eat the kitten, but hey, he's a Border Collie!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are adorable kittens! My mom agrees that being a working mom is lots of work!

    Your pal, Pip
